Tuesday 11 October 2016

Love Rosie by Heewoo Lee 44746911

Love Rosie

Love Rosie is a British-German film whose genre is romantic comedy-drama and released on 6 November, 2014 in Australia. This film is directed by Christian Ditter and based on the novel Where Rainbows Ends (2004) which is written by Cecelia Ahern. Actors such as Sam Clafin (one of my favorite actors), Lily Collins, Tamsin Egerton, Suki Waterhouse, Jaime Winstone and Lily Laight have partaken in the movie.

I hate this movie for a number of reasons. First, it's boring. Second, it's quite cheesy. Third, I didn't enjoy much; I barely fell asleep in the cinema. It might sound mean but as you can see above, this blog is about reviewing a movie which I personally HATE! The below is the summary of the movie. Hope you enjoy the review! :)

Alex and Rosie have been best friends from their childhoods. There has been nothing happened until Rosie's 18th birthday party when Alex kissed drunken Rosie and realised he has special feelings for Rosie. On a day after Rosie's birthday, she doesn't like her birthday party being drunken and tells Alex that she seriously wishes the party had never happened  without knowing Alex kissed her. Alex understands this as Rosie wants to be just friends with him

Greg, 'the good-looking guy in their school' asks Rosie to go out for the school dance. She previously thought to go there with Alex but accepted Greg when she knew Alex is thinking to go to the school dance with a girl named Bethany. On the school dance day, Rosie had sex with Greg without knowing future issues.

Rosie got accepted by Boston University for hotel management. However, she realised that she got pregnant. She decided not to tell Alex about this as Alex would choose to take care of her, which might hinder him to study at Harvard University. Soon after Alex leaves for his trip to America, Rosie gave birth to a daughter and named her Katie. Alex knew Rosie's pregnancy and became a godfather of Katie.

Five years later, Rosie visits Alex in Boston and they have spent a night together talking and going around places and in the following morning, she finds out that his girlfriend is pregnant. She tries to discuss Alex's improper living situation with Alex but he rejects her, saying at least his kid is going to have both parents. Being furious, Rosie leaves Boston immediately. Rosie reconciles with Greg who had fled to Ibiza upon knowing of her pregnancy and in the end they married. She later discovers that Alex breaks up with his girlfriend as the baby was not his. Unfortunately, all of sudden, Rosie's father passed away. Alex attends the funeral of her father and reconciles with her while Greg acts as immature at the funeral.

Rosie went to see Bethany, now a famous model and suggests that she visit Alex as a coming trip to America. Alex, having annoyed with Greg's immature behavior, writes a note to Rosie that she deserves better and that he can be the better man. However, Greg discovers the note and hides it from Rosie. 

Rosie has found out that greg is cheating on her and kicked him out. While throwing away his things, Rosie discovers the note from Alex. She calls him immediately but notices that Bethany is living with him and they are now engaged. They invite Rosie to be the best man at their wedding.

On the wedding day, Rosie gives a speech, saying that she loves Alex as a friend. Her daughter Katie brings a friend named Toby and their friendship reminiscends that of Rosie's and Alex's during their childhood. During the dance, Toby kisses Katie and Katie pushes him away and runs outside. Rosie and Alex follow her and Alex gives an advise to Katie, which is to follow her feelings towards Toby. He tells Katie that if she's not honest with her feelings, she might regret it, referring to his experience with Rosie. After a moment, Toby finds Katie and apologizes for what he did, telling her to forget whatever had happened. But Katie interrupts him by kissing him.

Alex realises that Rosie does not remember the kiss they shared on her 18th birthday and that he misinterpreted her wish to forget that night as Rosie not desiring to be more than friends. When Rosie finally opens her own hotel, Alex goes there as her second guest and tells Rosie that he has ended his marriage with Bethany. He talks about a dream he has had about Rosie and him being together and the movie ends, showing the two sharing a kiss.


Heewoo Lee | 44746911

Blantonl98, (2015). [image] Available at: https://www.google.com.au/search?q=love+rosie+poster&espv=2&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwist6uHzdTPAhVJ8GMKHQ8wBacQ_AUICCgB&biw=1920&bih=974#imgrc=o1_EoOA7xQdDwM%3A [Accessed 12 October. 2016]. 

[Movieclips Trailers] (2014, 8 July). Love, Rosie Official Trailer #1 (2014) - Lily Collins, Sam Claflin Movie HD. [Video File]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zL3YJKygd4

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