Friday 7 October 2016

Zootopia by Heewoo Lee 44746911


We grow up and live in a world saturated with social conflicts (for exmaple, racism, glass ceiling and discrimination) and stereotypical assumptions made by the way we look. The movie Zootopia personifies animals to imply underlying social problems and convey a lesson, which is "Don't judge a book by its cover". The movie tells a journey of Judy, the rabbit, wanting and struggling to become a police officer; however, the reality is that stereotypes surrounding rabits in regard to physical traits make it hard and complicated for Judy to achieve her dream. Despite the widespread of the stereotypical ideas, Judy has accomplished her goal in the end and this shows that everyone can be and do whatever they want regardless of ethnic, racial and religous backgrounds and econmic status. 

Zootopia is filmed by Disney under the direction of Byron Howard and Rich Moore. Actors such as Ginnifer Goodwin, Jason Bateman, Idris Elba, Jenny Slate, Nate Torrence, Bonnie Hunt, Don Lake and etc. have dubbed the voices of the movie. The movie is released on March 17, 2016 in Australia and is appropriate for children aged over 8 since some scary scenes might threathen them. 

Personally, I think this movie is the best movie of this year. Overall, I like the movie setting, which is the society where predators and its prey get along with peace but there still are hidden issues like power imbalance and injustices as the human world. Moreover, I like the character Nick, the fox who at first was sly and bad but later changed into a different, nice person through the encounter with Judy. I highly recommend this movie as kids and their parents can enjoy it together and I doubt there are no animal haters! As alwalys as Disney does, the movie contains cute characters and cartoonish sceneries which you can't help but to love. 


Heewoo Lee | 44746911

[Movieclips Trailors] (2016, January 29). Zootopia Official UK Trailer #1 (2016) - Jason Bateman, Ginnifer Goodwin Movie HD. [Video File]. Retrived from

Nicki Newton-Plater, (2016). [image] Available at: [Accessed 7 Oct. 2016]. 

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